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Today's goals are the following:

  • To get endpoint status reporting cooked into Lighthouse

  • To add a means of checking a URL for a particular endpoint

  • To add the basis of help docs into Lighthouse (so the above two can be explained)

I think baking in documentation this early will make the act of doing so easier going forward. I'm most likely going to use Rust's default approach to generating documentation with mdBook to make my life a bit easier. If it needs to change, I'll look into it then.

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

Okay so I got the endpoint status reporting done from the API, working on adding that into the frontend (Svelte and Web Components make this very easy). Now I'm working to associate a page to an endpoint, so the background jobs can then start computing availability statuses for endpoints. The fact that this can work locally for me is excellent. I should begin looking at hosting this somewhere. I know I'll do it solely for my site first, but I'd have to restrict sign-ups. Not only that, but I don't know how I want to do that just yet—might use an environment variable flag that has an override via the on-disk JSON configuration. All of this just so I can see reactions on my content (and send private Webmentions, of course).

Engagement is powered by Webmentions — a premier standard of the Web to let other sites know you've mentioned them. Learn how to reply from your own site. or from a supported silo Aaron has an interactive post about this. If you've mentioned this URL via another one, use the form below to submit it.

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I currently aim to own my comments and plan to eventually show those I've received once I finish Lighthouse.