I replied to the following: ↷

Good news! The Sunday night and Monday morning PCR tests both came back negative! That makes me confident enough that I will continue to get negative results for when I need the PCR test for the flight.

However, the antigen test this morning still is positive. The covid officer says that one might continue to give positive results for a week or longer.

So that means I need to use the PCR test result to get the flight home. The trouble is it takes 12-24 hours to get those results back and I need a test from the previous day in order to get on the flight. If I drop the test off before 9am it *usually* comes back around 9-10pm the same day, so that essentially means I'll book the flight and then not know if I'll be actually able to get on it until the night before.

I'm currently planning on coming back on Thursday. I also still don't feel *great* right now, so I'm hoping an extra couple days will leave some room for improvement too.

But in other good news, my sense of smell has come back this evening and I can taste food again!
byAaron PareckiAaron Parecki • posted archived copycurrent

This is great news! Hoping you can return home safely soon!

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