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Clive Thompson (@clive@saturation.social)

People write about TikTok's "for you" recommendations as "eerily good", "mind reading", "spooky" -- and it does seem considerably better than its social-media rivalsBut odds are there's nothing remarkable about the algorithm itselfRecommender systems are pretty mature -- it's unlikely (though not impossible) Bytedance found some new concept nobody else knowsNo, the secret ingredient is more likely ...... the UI:My essay: https://medium.com/@clivethompson/maybe-tiktoks-algorithm-isn-t-particularly-remarkable-after-all-712a5d2bae40"Friend" link: https://clivethompson.medium.com/maybe-tiktoks-algorithm-isn-t-particularly-remarkable-after-all-712a5d2bae40?sk=3ffbf858464e3462fb3d5a84259d27de
bySaturation archived copycurrent

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