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Finally got that tracking number from Analogue for the Pocket. Now I'm immediately going to see how does one make games using GB Studio for the lulz.

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

It came today! And it immediately got chipped on the screen and dented a bit. I guess that's one way to mark it as "used". I've been playing a few games I found on (here's the collection: https://itch.io/c/2758364/game-boy-games. Down to quickly play (< 10 minutes) some suggestions people have. Only thing I'd want is some form of wireless adding of games or content to the Pocket; that'd be cool - but swapping the SD card in and out isn't the hardest thing in the world, especially since my Framework laptop has a SD card expansion card in it.

To retro (and modern) gaming on this device! It's more fun than I anticipated (and I already can feel my hands beginning to slightly cramp up, heh).

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