I replied to the following: ↷

By 19th News: "'The world’s largest Black group chat': Behind the mission to preserve Black Twitter". The last event held by Wagatwe, Danny and I had a highlight in this article. Really eager to get to work on making this less of a project and more of a reality. https://19thnews.org/2023/05/black-twitter-archive-preserve-storytelling-community/

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

This succinctly describes how I do think of the kind of projects (and what I hope more people) I aspire to:

The people at APHOT want to change the future of what news and social media can look like. Alciné said the team is hoping the learnings from the project can be used to build a new media platform centered on what people want, instead of corporate interests. Some examples he threw out were optimizing and prioritizing moderation instead of it being an additional feature, or making it clear to users how revenue works instead of privatizing advertising.

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I currently aim to own my comments and plan to eventually show those I've received once I finish Lighthouse.