a post on twitter.com

@jackyalcine The hardest "Meta" app to ditch for me and my family will be WhatsApp - it's the only thing my parents in law are accepting right now as chat app. We have about 7GB worth of picture files in our family group. I backed these up, but still will be hard to replace with anything else.
byJohan BovéJohan Bové • posted archived copycurrent

Yeah, after successfully getting a good chunk of my family off of it—it looks like people have migrated back. Network effects are like mental shackles for people nowadays, and it's very hard to break.

Tried to directly like a post from a Plemora instance and Koype couldn't handle it. I guess that's one of the downsides of a site employing js;dr methodologies.

Every time I need to serialize something, I try using URL encoding because “the Web”! But then storing things like enumerations get hard, so I give up and use JSON. Sigh.

Hm. If I had to pick between a non-profit for Internet permanence that uses Web tech to define itself (nee purl.org or something hosted on GitHub/Microsoft/random unrelated for-profit company (nee w3id.org), I'm 100% going with purl.