The game was not easy to play for me. It speaks a lot about suicide and self-harm, but still manages to make things "positive". I put that in quotes because, despite the game having an opinion, it's still up to you to decide how you took the result of the actions in it. It's one of those games that make me very happy people make games to communicate and not to squeeze money out of people, and I hope that more people can make things like this, of all spectrums and kinds.

Don’t let federation make the experience suck

I’m pessimistic about federated architectures for new end-user products, like Mastodon. But, I could be wrong. In fact, I’d love to be wrong on this one. So since Blaine fairly called m…
byBenlog archived copycurrent

Some things in here I'm very eager about, like making the act of subscribing to someone else a lot easier. And then there are others that lead too much into the need of "we have to make it easy for the sake of being easy" and eliminates some of the strong protections that things like federation (or just non-centralization of services) can provide: like anti-abuse targeting, snitch-tagging and the like (all of those are easier with a global namespace but not impossible without, just a bit more difficult). I think, also, the need to have a global 'beacon' leans into individuals wanting to be heard all the time - which is useful for activism (but truly, that itself is possible in a world without a global namespace, we do it by actually carrying the message across - not relying on a one-click solution to do it).


sparkles: a micropub client

Update (2022-12-13): Did some cleanup to the code so I'm feeling ok about making this public now.Code is available here:

I've been working on a micropub client on and off for a few months now and since its IndieWeb Gift Calendar season, I figured it was the perfect time to write about it.

tl;dr: sparkles is a micropub client. It supports IndieAuth for login and expects a micropub endpoint to communicate with to publish posts. It supports basic micropub content types and you can also add movies you have watched.


I wrote a micropub and media endpoint sometime in 2020 and since then I've been using several micropub clients to post content to my site. There are some extensions I would have liked to add to those but I felt like they were so specific to how I want to publish content to my site that it wouldn't have made sense to add there. I could have also just built the specific additions I wanted but I took this as an opportunity to build the one micropub client I would like to use.


Similar to my micropub endpoint, I wanted to build this so it could easily be deployed to Netlify with a single click and some minor environment variable configurations.

I initially tried to keep things as close to vanilla JS as possible but in the end chose to use Mithril.js as a framework. I already use several of the other popular Javascript frameworks in other projects so I took this as an opportunity to learn something new.

CORS errors started showing up and the quickest way I figured at the time to handle these errors was to use Netlify's functions to proxy requests to the IndieAuth and micropub endpoints. There is probably a better way to handle this but I figured this could be future Benji's problem.

The Actual App

sparkles: main menu

On login there are options to add content based on the basic content types. Clicking on notes for example will open up a basic textarea and an input field for comma separated tags.

sparkles: adding note content

One of the custom content types that I wanted to support on my site is watched movie posts. I currently manually run some code to convert my RSS feed from Letterboxd and it works well enough but ideally this could all be done directly to my site using micropub. For movie search I am using OMDb API which gives me all the basic info I would want to display for a movie.

sparkles: movie search

After a movie is selected, you can select if you have rewatched it and whether or not to rate it.

sparkles: adding The Empire Strikes Back as a watched post

The last bit of features I wanted to add where all dependent on sparkles being a Progressive Web App (PWA). With the website installed on my phone as a PWA I could now share content from other apps to sparkles which will let me create a "reply", "bookmark", "like", or "RSVP" post.

Android share menu

sparkles: handle share target

Lastly, I can also create a quick note or add an image using the shortcuts option.

sparkles: shortcut sample


PWA support is sort of iffy in my experience. I think Safari on iOS doesn't have full support for shortcuts or share_target which I think makes sense since these are still marked experimental.

On Android, only Chrome or Samsung Browser on Samsung devices seem to have access to a WebAPK minting server which is necessary for the full PWA experience.

While the website can still be added as a shortcut, it will lose those key features if its not installed with a browser that supports PWAs.

Future plans

The code for sparkles is still not open source but once I get stuff cleaned up I plan to make it public now on GitHub.

I don't usually write out reviews for movies so I completely forgot to include that when building the movie editor out. I plan to add an optional textarea with a checkbox to mark whether or not the content itself contains a spoiler.

The other type of content that I wanted to be able to publish from here are recipes. I have the basic idea for how to structure them but I'm still in the early planning stages on how to handle the different parts of a recipe. I also have to add support for this type of post on my micropub endpoint first which is why I'm leaving all of this for later.

byBenji Encalada Mora • posted archived copycurrent

It still blows my mind that some party with less than 1% representation managed to win a Presidential election TWICE in the DR. And that the President was advised by Rudy Giuliani (a living ball of rotting shit). And the party's based on such .... weird European basis ideals.

After working with Clojure for nearly a year and Ruby for longer, I've been eager to get Conjure (a REPL tool for Vim) working with Rust. I see this page with some info. Might need to do the tutorial to see if I can get this working well.

by • posted archived copycurrent

Ugh just a few moments into this thing and I love it. The family of *school tools are great for more complicated plugins that provide a lot of functionality like this one.

Chris M. ( My grandad needed a computer for some light usage, way back in the early 2000's. I gave him a PC I'd used for my university studies. Not being able to afford a Windows license for him, I pre-loaded it with Mandrake Linux (RIP). Once I got the dial-up modem working, and showed him how to browse the internet/use email/print/edit documents, he used that computer *for years* without issue. "Linux on the desktop" was always possible if you didn't need to be on the cutting edge
byMastodon archived copycurrent

Preicsely! The fact that we can KEEP stuff going and going (outside of repairs) is something I'd want more than some TPM crap

Okay, so cooling down a bit, I did some hunting and lol, thoughts were a bit confirmed. I really want to know what it'll take to integrate something like Servo so we move away from Apple's Webkit. It looks like there's tests for WebAuthn support (vaguely) when looking at

by • posted archived copycurrent

I'm not going to make a Web browser shell. Not I. I don't have the brain, time or energy. BUT looks promising on first glance. Going to try building this. Does anyone know of efforts to bring Servo into the free desktop communities?

inb4 "omg no one uses Linux on the desktop in 20xx, Jacky", we didn't even get the public a chance because of companies like Microsoft and Apple (who, tbh, fuck them to eternity) and loyalists of either place that really, really think closing off things people HAVE to use every day is the best way to make them work.

I hate capitalism so much; it runs into everything. Everything!

by • posted archived copycurrent

Okay, so cooling down a bit, I did some hunting and lol, thoughts were a bit confirmed. I really want to know what it'll take to integrate something like Servo so we move away from Apple's Webkit. It looks like there's tests for WebAuthn support (vaguely) when looking at

So I'm looking to integrate WebAuthn to a project (still kind of bullish on this) and this chart constantly annoys me. Ubuntu is free to run and even to test but not even mentioned or attempted. Whatever.

by • posted archived copycurrent

inb4 "omg no one uses Linux on the desktop in 20xx, Jacky", we didn't even get the public a chance because of companies like Microsoft and Apple (who, tbh, fuck them to eternity) and loyalists of either place that really, really think closing off things people HAVE to use every day is the best way to make them work.

I hate capitalism so much; it runs into everything. Everything!

We're either in or probably rapidly entering a world where "content purity" is coming to be a necessary thing with the (unneeded) rise of AI in the space of content creation. It's ironic that it's such a thing in the midst of writers finding it harder to get work and artists seeing large companies abusing places of content promotion. I can't see this ending well for workers (but only very profitably for people who don't associate with the working class, like corporations and people who don't look behind the branding of a tool).

I have respect for inventors, makers and the like. I also have no need to respect people who warp those things and turn them into a profit engine based on some false notion of improvement (usually when they take said ideas, their audience and influence and milk it into profit).

I have to mute anything from mainstream news because it routinely feels like a slap in the face. This recent 'swap' got me really thinking that the whole advent of "representation" worked more to keep people docile than to nudge progress for the people who need it the most (which was one thing you'd hear A LOT). Small progress feels like a compromise, comparing it to everything that's been done in the past.

So yeah, I'm mad that instead of doing something ACTUALLY worthwhile, like making healthcare free or any form of healthcare that was impacted directly by her BODY (it's not lost on me either that she was a disabled Black woman, again people who the outlets REFUSE to listen to) especially to disabled folks, they put up a fucking statue in the same place of a former slave owner. Should have just salted the earth and made nothing there.