Here we go.

by • posted archived copycurrent

It's not lost on me how much of these blocklists contain so many proxies to IPFS content. I'm always afraid to think how much dark content is moving through those systems, how much I'm unintentionally peering (because IPFS Desktop doesn't have a "confirm if you want to seed" option). I don't even think that's something that would be considered AFAICS.

I'm looking for this repository on GitHub that had a script one could use to block a bunch of domains via a hosts update. Don't want to use a VPN for something I can do locally. Does anyone know of one? It's something that could be used in uBlock origin.

Mind you: companies against striking (and the rights of workers) move like this a lot. Basically saying "fuck you, come back and work".

by • posted archived copycurrent

Whew, this is annoyingly relatable:

Itโ€™s just odd because itโ€™s written almost as though we were trying to organize a company that wasnโ€™t already unionized. Like, weโ€™re all already in the union, man.

JJ Litke (

I really really wish blue state liberals understood how well voter suppression in red states is working.
byThe Wandering Shop archived copycurrent

That'd unseat them because if more people could vote and generally raised their political knowledge, it'd be clear that neither of the bipartisan groups can serve the public.

e. hashman ( I wrote a paper on this a decade ago! Which I took down publicly because I didn't want to get harassed for a 10 year old 90% complete undergrad paper but I can send you a copy :)
byCloud Island archived copycurrent

oh I'd be interested in this! I came to this idea only through that passively mentions it (her series on the 70s is a trip).

XBox spent too much money on buying up companies instead of investing in their staff and resources. Not surprised in that behavior. I actually want XBox to fail and burn to permit these people to work elsewhere and to make space for a vendor, publisher and developer (three separate ones) that can focus on the needs of indie creators (RIP Xbox Live Arcade).

RhythmBox isn't a bad music player. Tbh, it does everything I want: play the music I have on my computer, submit my stats to things, so I can see it later and allow me to make playlists. I would like something that makes it easier to see lyrics for the currently playing song but tbh, that could be done as a side-car app.

Has anyone tried making a custom desktop environment for the Steam Deck? As in a custom overlay that replaces Steam's with something that could plug into multiple game vendors (I'm thinking Itch, GOG, Humble Bumble, Epic, Origin, EA) and lean on how Steam's control mapping works to homogenize this. If I had all the time in the world, this is something I'd want to do and release it openly (with some paid services that would also be open).

Cop killings are lynchings. We have yet to pass an anti-lynching law, but that'd be against the nature of the United States.

Again, the casual murder of citizens, namely Black people, is in the fabric and programming of the United States. And as much as it runs counter to our collective understanding of the United States, this is what the State wants to do.