The class of folks in the electoral college, those in other complimentary services like a parliament and lords of a land of serfs are all the same; please try to change my mind.

Is it possible to reimagine a Web without JavaScript? Frankly, and again, this is from a cursory observation, but this does not seem like a priority of functionality for any Web engine maker (like WebKit, Gecko, Servo or Blink). Why?

Please don't apologize: you've written code and shared it for free on the Web. You owe me nothing, and I appreciate you still spending time to maintain this project. Thanks, this'll make apps easier to debug.

This recent acquisition of Activision by Microsoft is still distasteful to me, and I'm hoping the affected teams are doing okay. XBox's not looking too hot right now.

To this day, I can't grok Tailwind CSS. Like I'm not a pro CSS developer but I take the effort to learn properties and understand, to a degree, how it works. And trying to parse Tailwind feels like a heavy remaking of the wheel to little gain.

by • posted archived copycurrent

Ironically, Tachyons CSS was something I used quite a bit. Nowadays, I'll just write the CSS straight up — easier to debug and test in the browser (for me).

Nomadic software is the end-goal, IMO. Feudalistically designed systems can only take us so far (and will reintroduce to the same issues we've been seeing here). Not to say there isn't some huge challenges with nomadic systems (like updates and compatibility) but I think even that we're getting to a close on.

To this day, I can't grok Tailwind CSS. Like I'm not a pro CSS developer but I take the effort to learn properties and understand, to a degree, how it works. And trying to parse Tailwind feels like a heavy remaking of the wheel to little gain.

I can't do hour-long podcasts. Wrap it the fuck up! (lol) This makes it hard for me to do any of those "recorded talk shows" but I never really could do talk shows anyway.

Progress in America moves at the speed of rocks. This took too. fucking. long.

by • posted archived copycurrent

Please don't misunderstand this as disappointment. I'm glad that I can donate blood now. But the fact that this is only possible NOW is what makes me so mad. That anger doesn't just disappear. It turns into deep disappointment. And a wave of small relief.

One thing I have yet to see non-AP advocates bring up is the lack of the need to depend on centralized networks to use AP (at least, just AS). The e-mail model is a prime example and I think a lot of people look at it like IMAP (Internet e-mail) versus something like POP (which, tbh, just needs the IP stack).

by • posted archived copycurrent

More specifically, the Fediverse will be able to squelch a lot of critique if more work was spent into things like C2S (client to server), moving servers to local devices (and using relays to bridge to other network layers) and embracing more non-HTTP stacks. That's hard (hence the need to "build from scratch" in a lot of the P2P space).