I replied to the following: ↷

Sasha Costanza-Chock (@schock@mastodon.lol)

a) We need to scale content moderation. A LOT. Corporate social network sites (SNS) do this by using armies of poorly paid, outsourced contractors. The #Fediverse should do it better. Perhaps by organizing a worker-owned content moderation cooperative?
byMastodon.lol archived copycurrent

That'd be distributing even more work onto people. There's an opportunity for us to tilt away from having people to need to engage with (varying levels of) violent content on the regular. With better means of flagging content (be it by peers or by publishers), we can let people adjust what they'd like not to see. We should also be making it harder to push such content (versus trying to swat it down when it gets up).

All thoughts from observing these spaces and experimenting on tools for a few years.

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