Sele's (my IndieAuth service) tracking for beta testing by early February. It won't be ready for general availability though. By then, it should have WebAuthn, email sign in and rel-me provider support with new providers rolling out when I can find time to support them and based on the kind of providers people tend to advertise (though I need to filter it for rel="authn me" for reporting). I'm glad I spent some up front time abstracting the means of attestation. I'd want to add a pre-flight page to do some testing of the inital request so I can do some stuff like checking preferences for a browser or basing it on location (I'd like to opt for WebAuthn on my preferred browsers but since GNOME Web doesn't support it yet, opting for something that could use the prompting solution by pushing a request and approving it from the GNOME desktop).

I could have done this faster in Python but I did like the challenge Rust provided and the amount of compile-time checking reduced the number of tests I'd have to write in a Python (and Node) stack anyhow. Only immediate concern is improving the security of the system. There's a fair amount of logging but no secret values are printed until needed (thanks to typing hiding that). I should look into either encrypting the database using SQLCipher or separating any secret values into an encrypted database and have them be retrieved that way.

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