Haven't posted from here in not too long of a time. I've been still picking away at what I'm moving this to be — if it even proves to be worthwhile (an experiment at least can teach). A yoyo-ing factor I have right now is wanting to have an experience for my site that works on my phone, but to the full capacity I'm thinking of. Which isn't impossible (if it can be written out as a proof, notwithstanding intentional blockers, it can be done). But it's a question of to what end.

Do I want a blog? Or had I been going on this idea that having a blog, website, etc. are some more "pure" forms of self-identification when using online networks? Depending on who you ask, I could see the answers ranging from pride, disinterest, confusion or a misapplication of the idea of "identity" and "independence" in a realm that's controlled solely by states and plutocrats.

These kinds of things keep me in that yo-yo: is it possible, nay, worthwhile, to aim to replicate systems cultivated in the belly of state surveillance? What does that provide us with? The States? The companies? I am of the kind that'd like to see true, direct, consensual interactions with folks in the many levels of hyper-detail we can provide ourselves with online. I have the sense that we, as a collection of online community, aren't necessarily unified on what or how that could or should.

The Internet does reinforce and mimic the bordered, Western-/English-centric landscapes we see today and there's little interest from those realms to add space for anything else (outside a means of commodification and pseudo-inclusion attempts that disappear when its time of the year is gone). So what do I add to a space if I want it to be useful (regardless of the size of that usefulness), helpful (even if it's only helping one person) and something one can claim as their own (which not much can provide).

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