I replied to the following: ↷

mhoye (@mhoye@mastodon.social)

@jalcine@todon.eu I don’t think that it was purely a tech thing - the Sears Catalog was discontinued in 1993, and Amazon was founded in 1994. They were born a catalog company, but their executives of the 80s and 90s tried to turn them into a mediocre financial services company, failed at that, and to the end were absolutely convinced, at the dawn of the internet, that people really wanted to go into their stores.
byMastodon archived copycurrent

It was moreso on the evolution of commerce (not so much tech as in like VC-backed SVB kinda tech). This quote is more of the "tech" I'm thinking of (so more like VISA and Mastercard):

AM: This is another one of those situations where I think it’s useful to look back at what was actually happening at the time and how people thought about things at the time. Because the delivery regime that we have is convenient in a lot of ways for people that can afford to interface with it. It’s really easy to get used to it, especially since other options for more traditional types of commerce, in a lot of places have dwindled, especially in places with poorer populations. In the late 90s when Amazon was founded and you get a lot of other dot-com startups that were trying to figure out what this model would be to sell things online. It was met by a population that was largely pretty skeptical of having to buy something on the internet. It was a novel technology; it seemed like the Wild West. It seemed like buying something online was probably a great way to get your credit card stolen. There wasn’t a lot of trust.

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