I'm going to update my operating system this weekend. https://elementary.io/ still requires one to reinstall the whole system in order to upgrade. This isn't too much of an issue for me — most of my work lives off my machine and I sync it (thanks Nextcloud, Gitea and friends) but this is one of the few things that's blocked me from suggesting this to a non-power-user-whose-time-is-also-very-tight kind of person.

I also don't have the spoons to contribute (because that is not a small undertaking) nor do I know how to sponsor someone to do so (how do you prioritize something like this over like upgrading all the stock apps to use GTK4?). Oh well.

CEO of OpenAI, ranking employee of Microsoft is ... he works on AI and is also afraid of - checks notes - AI waging war. And now works at a company that - checks notes - also works heavily within American defense. Something feels fake. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/10/sam-altmans-manifest-destiny

Like okay, I watched The Walking Dead and Black Summer but the fact he really a prepper on the low - and an opening rich one at that - is funky funky.

Is it me or is that ... an event coming up? Lol, seriously, we're hours away from the kick-off of a People's History of Twitter, and I'd love to see you all pull up tomorrow.

9–10:30AM PST / 12–1:30PM ET / 4–5:30PM PST are the times, https://lu.ma/apht's how you RSVP and tomorrow is when I'll see ya.

Because it's dangerous to move without paying attention to what others are doing, I'm hate-watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTxE9KV3YrE mainly to parse out what are new "talking points" that are debunkable because I keep hearing new things w.r.t crypto coming out those not normally plugged into it.

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

Not even thirty minutes in (had to stop), but it's clear that they're aware of other people are doing, with mentions of ActivityPub and SSB. Not surprising given the proliferation (and usability of working software). But there's a consideration by Baliji that existing systems are already legacy (and legacy because they don't move over a blockchain or some sort of PoS or PoW system, which, okay, I guess).

I thought this would be worthwhile. Maybe because it's a video because I can't really parse video for non-entertainment purposes - I zone out.

When you refer to "multi-user API access", do you mean like a way to do something for multiple users using one access token? I don't think Mastodon provides this from their API (all are listed at https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/

We'd probably have to store info per-user, per-instance.

That's to say the leftist politics of 2023 are the watered down, defanged form of the actual change needed and called for from the early 2000s.

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

If this seems improbable, look for any proposals, campaigns or the like that mention unhoused folks without being paternalistic (i.e.: blaming them for systematic failing, implicitly shaming them for their lack of a fully-formed shelter) and provide the cheapest and fastest solution — giving them a home.

It might exist in a video game, but not in any system that leans into capitalism and keeps planting "land rights" as a thing a nation-state that stole it can own.

What felt like "common sense" Left politics was considered too radical 50 years ago. Hell, even up to 30 if you throw in things around working hours and abortion β€” which has been added onto from earlier times. If wanting more for people equates to "radicalism", then so be it.

byhttps://jacky.wtf • posted archived copycurrent

That's to say the leftist politics of 2023 are the watered down, defanged form of the actual change needed and called for from the early 2000s.

What felt like "common sense" Left politics was considered too radical 50 years ago. Hell, even up to 30 if you throw in things around working hours and abortion — which has been added onto from earlier times. If wanting more for people equates to "radicalism", then so be it.

Jacky AlcinΓ© (@jalcine@todon.eu)

This is the kind of critical thinking I wish more people had. https://twitter.com/MsKellyMHayes/status/1635260522382884864 (https://jacky.wtf/2023/3/Jh2e)
byTodon.eu archived copycurrent

A good way to describe this weekend. And a justification against attempting this as the system doing good - this was the "solution" after 2008; not actually holding anyone accountable. https://mastodon.social/@sethcotlar/110017517972146509. That money stored in DIF had to come from somewhere and if it can only be used to bail out banks, then it's being misused.

Like have we forgotten about the "promised" monthly checks that turned up being ... two?